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Leon Driessen Powers Lightshow for Kensington at Ziggo Dome with ChamSys

For six days in September, Utrecht-based rock band Kensington filled the 17,000-capacity Ziggo Dome with a 3D galaxy of images that centered on a “tree” of LED panels accompanied by fast-moving displays of light. Lighting Director/Programmer Leon Driessen and video director Fabian Fisniku synchronized the cues using two ChamSys MagicQ MQ500M Stadium consoles and disguise media server technologies.

Alain Corthout and ChamSys Flow with Black Eyed Peas

For the Black Eyed Peas’ performance at the Lokerse Feesten in Belgium, Alain Corthout provided a lively and colorful light show powered by a ChamSys MagicQ MQ250M Stadium Console supplied by Phlippo, Belgium.