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Global Special Effects CO2 Cryo-Jet

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Global Special Effects says its CO2 Cryo-Jets can make any dance floor go from 90 degrees to 30 degrees in 6 seconds. They  create plumes of cryo-fog up to 30 feet in the air and can be hung from a truss or mounted from a wall or the floor.  There’s no need to worry about any smoke alarms, as CO2 leaves the room clean with no residue.  The unit comes with a 30-foot hose to connect to a CO2 tank. The cost is $1,500 plus shipping.  The Cryo-Jet is also available in stainless steel for an additional $250.


Global Special Effects CO2 Cryo-JetGlobal Special Effects notes that CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is a tasteless, colorless, odorless, nonflammable, liquefied gas which is an integral part of the basic life cycle in nature.  It is exhaled by humans and animals, then used by plants to help them grow.  The nozzle sprays the liquid up into the air, causing the surrounding humidity to condense into fog.

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