Field Template's Metric Rules! Stencil makes use of the Pro-Grid Metric 50 system and all cutout lighting symbols are pre-spaced 50 centimeters apart and aligned onto a horizontal axis like a batten. Manufacturers include ETC, Selecon, Strand, Robert Juliat, CCT, L&E, Reich & Vogel. Adjacent to every 1:25 cutout symbol is text displaying the metric weight, cut color size, and beam spread information for that symbol, plus LED dots, HMI indicators, dimming shutters, scrollers, top hats, half hats, along with several sizes of circles, rectangles, squares, triangles, and generic moving light symbols.
The stencil is laid out so that every lighting and ancillary symbol is repeated in two scales-both 1:50 and 1:25. The scales are printed on either side of the template. Half-inch and quarter-inch scales are also printed on the scalloped edge of the template.
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