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A Look at the New GDTF File Format

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General Device Type Format (GDTF) was created to change the way lighting designers and programmers in the entertainment design and production industry work. In an effort to make lighting fixtures, visualizers and consoles work together in a more seamless way, three manufacturers (MA Lighting, Robe and Vectorworks) jointly developed this open standard format. GDTF is a way to try and create a unified definition for the exchange of device data. With GDTF, luminaire manufacturers now have an open and universal data exchange format that can be read by any console manufacturer and be included in any CAD or previsualization software. No longer will custom, one-off interpretations of DMX values and conversions for specific control data be needed. The format is human-readable, royalty-free and designed to be easy to implement and maintain.

-Michael S. Eddy, from “Tech Focus,” PLSN, June 2018 page 87