If you’ve ever wanted to build your own fixture library, it is possible, yet not always the easiest thing to do. Some library editors are very detailed GUI’s that allow you to select a parameter and then simply enter in the DMX value or range and match that with a particular function or name. Other systems may be based on a text editor or some other code-based system that can be more complex to match up parameters and values. Either way, it is essential that you input all the parameters and associated ranges from the protocol into the library you are trying to create. One of the best methods to understand fixture library creation is to study a library that has already been created. Take the time to look at libraries and practice building libraries on your console before you are required to actually create a library for a show. Also remember to check with your console manufacturer prior to creating your own library as they may already have it available to send to you. Libraries truly are the lifeblood of lighting consoles and programmers need to have an understanding of how they are created as well as how to create their own.
—Brad Schiller, from “Feeding the Machines,” PLSN, Sept. 2016, page 81