I really dislike the term “boss.” I especially hate when people say things like “Whatever, you’re the boss.” I think this is because I find distinct differences between the words Boss and Leader. For instance, a boss tells you what to do and walks away assuming you will get something done, and that’s the end of it. But a leader will ask you to do something, then make sure you know how to do it properly before walking away. Believe it or not, I have seen lighting crew bosses walk up to crew members and say, “You’re doing that wrong,” and then walk away, expecting the tech to seek out the correct way from someone else or screw something up even further by trying some new way he thinks may work. A leader will stop and show the tech an example of the right way to do the task.
—From “LD at Large” by Nook Schoenfeld, PLSN Nov. 2014