What options do you have when managing the playback of content in multiple locations from a single source? Until recently, the answer would have been to create a matrix of routers, cables, media servers, and controllers to accomplish what should be fairly straightforward. Patch Player, by ExtraPro LLC, is a new content playback application that lets users control content playing in various locations from a single source without the need for lots of cable, equipment, or people. Created by developer/owner Ted Mizrahi, Patch Player simplifies the process of control and setup for presentations, tradeshows and other types of multi-show environments by putting it into your hands, literally on the same handheld Android OS device you may already be carrying in your pocket…And since content is stored locally on each player, only the trigger for a piece of content is being broadcast by the Controller. This means each device handles its own processing, making playback fast and real time responsive.
—Vickie Claiborne, from “Video Road Test,” PLSN, Oct. 2014