The Company: LightParts Inc.
Who: Don Pugh and Robert Mokry (owners)
What: The “first company” solely dedicated to providing replacement parts and component-level repairs for automated lights and consoles: no rentals, no system sales, just serv-ice.
Where: Austin, Texas
When: 2003
Employees: 11
Products/Services: “We stock thousands of replacement parts for High End, Martin, Flying Pig, Jands, Wybron, Coemar, Clay Paky, Leprecon and Pulsar products. We also provide component-level circuit board repairs for HES, Martin, FPS and Pulsar products and perform warranty repairs for Martin and Pulsar.”
On the Move: “Moved into our new building in January, while simultaneously enjoying our biggest sales month ever. We’re lucky like that.”
Company Hot Topic: “Vari*Lite parts and repairs, and also where to locate the company’s ping pong table and dart board.”
Degrees of Separation: “Have both been audio pukes (sorry, sound professionals) in the past before settling into lighting.”
The Person: Don Pugh
Personal: Married 22 years; 3 boys, 4 cats, 2 dogs
Schoolin’: High school dropout at age 16
How long at LightParts: 3.5 years
Most cool thing about my job: Figuring out how things work
Least cool thing about my job: Freight damage to a properly packed, recently repaired fixtures
If I could go back in time and tell my younger self one thing, it would be: “Real estate is the best long-term investment.”
Last good show seen: “McNeil High School production of Beauty and the Beast — shockingly good for high school theatre.”
If I could be someone famous for a day, it would be… Why? “Klaatu (from The Day the Earth Stood Still), so I could fix our broken planet.”
The thing most people don’t know about me is... “My private passion is particle physics. I have my own GUT (grand unification theory) with a working title of Ring Theory.
Favorite Quote: “You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York, and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way; you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat.” — Albert Einstein