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passing it forward

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If you've read enough of my jargon, you realize I'm a big believer in "giving something back". In other words, for years people have spent their time teaching me my craft. So now I spend time teaching others the same thing. But this morning I had something cool given to me.

So I'm waiting at a drive thru to pull up and get a breakfast sandwich. I rarely eat at these places, but this morning I craved an egg biscuit thing, so off I went. As I'm sitting staring at  the car in front of me, I see the girl in the back seat turn and smile.

    I thought this odd, but soon forgot about it as I pulled up to the cashier and the other car left the lot. As I reach over to pay the dude, he states,"You're not gonna believe this, but the gal in the last car paid for your order".

     He then hands me a note she left for me with him.

The note said that she often listens to a radio station here in Minneapolis and the station is always telling people to do a kind deed for someone else. And they encourage people to do something nice and then report on it so they can tell their listeners.  I tuned into the station and found it to be a "christian" radio station. Makes sense…, I guess.

      But I did not call the station. Instead I had to think of something cooler. So here's what I came up with.I am going to take the same piece of paper and list at the bottom, the date I recieved this from the teller at the drive thru. Then I'm going to go back and pay for the person behind me in line. But at the bottom of the letter, I will encourage the next person to sign the date, and pass on the favor the next time they go thru a drivethru. Another case of brightening up someone's day by "passing it forward"