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Coming Together

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For the past few days, I've been spending a lot of my time watching tech. rehearsals, doing small, odd jobs and helping in whatever way l can, but it's given me the opportunity ask lots of obnoxious questions and a lot about lighting design. I've really been able to ask about certain choices and specific lighting effects and l know this information will be invaluable to me in the future, especially when l get back to school and start designing shows again. (Not that I could even begin to come close to matching the lighting at the RSC, but I suppose it's always worth a try.) Technical rehearsals have really been my first chance to watch other departments and even ask them a few questions and I even got to help the sound department with some cataloguing, which was actually a lot of fun. I've really enjoyed watching the interactions between the director and the designers and I thought it was very interesting to see just how much influence the director really can have. I was often really surprised with some of the things he took out and added, but I've almost always found that in the end, I really like the changes he makes, but then again, that's why I'm just the intern and he's the professional. Although watching rehearsals doesn't always involve doing very much, I've learned absolutely loads about every facet of the theater and I've been having a really good time with all of the other people in the lighting department who are so nice and infinitely patient with all of my ridiculous questions. As always, thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to posting again soon!!