Nearly every automated lighting console has a concept that allows for multiple banks or pages of playbacks. These pages (as they are usually called) allow the user to immediately change the purpose and function of playback buttons on the desk. Pages are very important in many different genres of entertainment, and it is important for lighting programmers to understand the possibilities and features associated with them.
Making the Change
Most commonly, pages are used in concert programming where each page becomes a set of playbacks for each song in the show. This allows for great organization and simplicity of following along with the band. As they change from one song to the next, the operator too can simply change the purpose of all the playback keys and faders by merely changing to a page that is programmed for that specific song. Because the programmer can label each page with a unique name, the structure of the show can be easily replicated. In fact, most consoles allow for a quick re-arranging of the pages so that they can easily match the exact performance’s setlist. Then the operator merely has to press “Next Page” at the end of each song.
On each playback page, various playback cuelists, sequences, effects and chases can be arranged and stored to the console’s specific hardware keys and sliders. Each and every page can reference different playback sources. This allows a programmer to re-use buttons on the desk and assign them unique uses for each and every song. For instance, playback #2 might be an audience ballyhoo for one song and a flash to white for another song.
Multiple Uses
While pages are extremely useful for concert productions, they are also valuable with other types of shows. When I am working a corporate event, I will assign one page as the primary for the bulk of the show. It will include my main cuelist as well as common needs such as an audience bally, podium lights, house lights, and more. Then I will create some additional pages that change the playbacks to typical “busking” controls such as color changes, ballyhoos, flyouts, etc. This gives me the ability to change the desk from a presentation mode to a concert mode as the event changes. In some theatrical environments, pages are used to partition playback controls by act or scene. In this way, an additional level of organization and control can be achieved that follows the production flow.
Locking it Down
As you start to think about utilizing pages, you might find that there are certain playbacks that you wish to have on every single page. Instead of trying to record your master cuelist or hazer control to each page, you can typically create a template page or “fix” a sequence to a page. These tools allow you to define playbacks that have special properties so that they are assigned to the same playback on all pages throughout your show. Depending on your desk and its capabilities, your functionality will be different.
With a template page, you define a specific page as a “model” of what needs to appear on every page. Anything stored on this special page will automatically be assigned on all other pages. In some consoles, you can actually override this on a page-by-page basis if you simply store a playback in that position on a unique page. Other consoles use a different concept and simply allow you to “fix” a playback so that it always resides on all pages. There is no special template page to edit and no way to override “fixed” playbacks with unique cases.
Lots of Options
When you change from one page to another, various things can happen depending on the configuration of your console. You will find options to allow you to change the behavior when a page change occurs. On many desks, when you change from one page to the next, it will automatically release all playbacks that were enabled on the previous page (unless they were from a template page or fixed). This is extremely helpful when changing pages at the end of a song as it clears everything from the previous song and prepares you for the new song. However, this can also be problematic if you intended for your main cuelist/sequence to remain active when you changed pages. Again, there is probably an option to toggle this behavior.
Many consoles now utilize motorized faders. If you have your pages set to not release on changes, then you can use this to your advantage. As you change from one page to another, you might see the faders move up and down. This is because typically the fader levels are retained on each page (unless the playbacks are released). For instance, if on page one you bring fader four to 50 percent and then change to page two, you will see fader four move back to 0 percent. Then, as you change back to page one, it will restore to 50 percent. This is because fader four was still active in the background when you changed to page two. The desk simply moved the fader to the correct position for each page. Even if your desk does not have motorized faders, it will probably have a method to remember the previous fader levels.
Adding Actions
Some consoles allow you to define an action or macro that happens when you change to a new page. This can be extremely beneficial as you can ensure the console is set properly for the playbacks on a certain page. On a page change, I will typically have a command that selects/chooses the proper cuelist/sequence, moves the faders as desired and turns on/off other cuelists as well as timecode tools. This way, I know that when the operator goes to page seven that the console is ready for that data to be played as I intended. It also ensures that no matter what was played before that the desk is ready for this page’s usage.
Getting from Here to There
Changing from one page to the next can be accomplished via many different methods. The most common is a “next page” button, usually located on the console. Another method is by using a touch screen or command line to jump to a specific page. Additionally, some programmers will add a macro or command at the end of a cuelist/sequence to change to a specified page or simply to advance to the next page. All of these methods are very useful, and each has their own unique uses.
Learn All About It
Working with pages is an essential tool for lighting programmers. I cannot imagine using a single page for most productions I am involved with. Whether used for various songs, theatrical acts, tech pages, or even just storage, I find organizing my playbacks with pages tremendously powerful. Of course, every console has different terminology, features and options, so, as always, be sure to read the console’s user manual to learn the specifics for your desk. Even if you think you know all that you can do with pages on your console of choice, I urge you to read the chapter on pages, as you will probably find an option or function that you never knew existed. Be sure to always label your pages so that you know exactly what you created them for and place them in an order that flows with the production. Paging your playback controls expands the capabilities of your hardware and allows you to be more free and creative with your programming.
Reach Brad Schiller at