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Making the Grade and Improving

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I’ve always believed that just passing by is not acceptable, and that going above and beyond will not only lead to success, but instills a sense of completion and satisfaction in doing your best. That’s the philosophy that we’ve decided to follow as we take a look at the results from this year’s PLSN reader’s survey.

What Have We Learned?

Although digital is growing, print is not dead. Eighty-three percent of our readers still get the print edition, with the rest getting our digital edition. Since launching the apps version of the magazine, readership on mobile devices has skyrocketed. Some readers prefer going paperless while others like having multiple options of when and how to read the magazine.

With the app version of the magazine, those on the road don’t have to wait to get home or back to the office for the print edition. When the app version of the magazine is ready, we send an alert out to the devices and BAM, you have the magazine at your fingertips on your favorite device.

Sixty percent of our readers think PLSN articles are making a difference in their everyday work and are making their businesses more successful. This just affirms that we are here to help you be the best you can be and grow stronger.

Over half of our readers use PLSN to help them make decisions about important equipment purchases.  PLSN is a great starting point when researching products and services. While we would be flattered that you made your purchase based solely on our word, some measure of due diligence is probably a good idea on your part. But we’ll continue to strive to make our Buyers Guides and Product Spotlights as useful as possible.

Two-thirds of readers said our editorial content is extremely helpful. And 86 percent of you are happy with the technical level of editorial content. Readers appreciate the balance of the technical expertise in our Road Tests along with the willingness of our testers to state their opinions on the sometimes difficult-to-quantify aspects of the gear they are testing.

We also learned that our social networks are beginning to take off, with Facebook leading in popularity, followed by our own social networking site,  If you’re not a member of PLS, we have made it easy to join and interact with ProLightingSpace with Facebook, Twitter, Google and Open ID to login and interact. You can use your current login from any of those sites to join in all the great conversations, blogs, photos, videos and forums.

It’s clear that our loyal readers are happy with PLSN, but it’s also clear you want more than just the print edition. Sure, great stories and awesome photos are helpful, but neither can truly show what a fixture does. That is why we have been featuring our own demonstration videos on our YouTube channel. Over 60 percent of you want more of these Lite Lab videos — quick demonstrations of products. Others want to see more interviews with industry insiders and professionals.

At this writing, we are in discussions with manufacturers in an effort to expand the array of product demos visible on the Internet. We have also begun to talk with lighting designers, tour managers and other professionals to bring you their stories and interviews as well.

Preparing for the Future

The future is digital. As a communication medium, the printed word will face increasing levels of competition from digital alternatives for the attention of the live event production industry, and may even be relegated at some point as a quaint reminder of the way things used to be. Like the tungsten lamp, the printed word’s fade from prominence may be slow and steady, but it will also likely be relentless.

The need for information about the live event production industry, however, will continue to grow. We make it our mission to serve as an independent conduit to get this information to you, the PLSN reader, in any format that serves your needs, whether print or digital. Our aim isn’t to just get by, or stick with an outdated information medium, just because that’s the way it worked in the past. That approach will only lead to mediocrity. We’d rather strive for something better and stay ahead of the pack.

Where Do We Go from Here?

We have already started right here with the November issue.  I’ll admit it, I am a Mac addict.  I call it a healthy relationship with Apple products; others may call it obsessive. Call it what you will, but we realize that not everyone owns an iOS product. So this month, and in the months ahead, when you turn to our ABC page (Apps, Book, Calendar; page 12 in this edition) you will begin to see apps of the month best suited to Android devices.

Our social presence is already strong.  We keep you informed on all of the social networks while staying in touch and bringing the lighter side of light and life to those networks. We have already begun to grow our standings on the networks by being more involved and offering exclusive online content and commentary not seen in the print or digital edition.

Bottom line, we are here to serve you and provide you with you want. So, don’t wait for when we ask for your input next time. Our digital front door is always open. We encourage feedback. Email or message us. Tell us what you love, hate, really need or could really do without. PLSN is a magazine written by professionals in the industry for professionals in the industry. So it goes without saying, our readers’ opinions matter.

Reach PLSN editor Justin Lang at

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