DESIGN: “Gary has a diverse catalog of songs, most of which blend different genres. The rig needed to be dynamic to match that energy, quickly morphing from quiet subtle moments to big bold uniform looks, sometimes in the same song. I wanted to ‘surround’ the band, creating a shape that tunneled your attention inward to frame those key moments. The entire rig was composed of five fixture types, three of which were static. Limiting the rig to only two different moving lights helped create those big clean looks I was after.”
HOME BASE: Richmond, VA.
CAREER SPARK: “I spent my teens and early 20’s chasing bands and music festivals and was amazed at the impact of the lighting on the experience. Fast-forward a few years: I’m having lunch with an old friend who had broken into the industry a few years before. I start complaining about my 9-to-5, telling him I wanted to get involved in lighting but had no idea where to start. He pauses, jots down an email address, and a few weeks later I went from full-time factory worker to part-time case pusher.”
FIRST INDUSTRY GIG: “I was the shop’s ‘new guy’ for a nice stretch. Lots of sweeping floors and cleaning bathrooms.”
MOST MEMORABLE CONCERT: “The All Good Music Festival in 2008 was the first time I had experienced a production on that scale. I remember feeling so immersed in the moment. The chance to find a job where I could be involved in sharing those moments seemed to call to me.”
OTHER ARTISTS? “Gary is my first gig as lead designer/programmer, while most of my other work was through a production company before I went freelance. I was brought on as Gary’s lighting designer in October 2018. Before that, I was a project lead for LiteTek Entertainment, working with The Pretty Reckless, The Infamous String Dusters and Rick Springfield.”
WHOSE SHOW DESIGNS CATCH YOUR EYE? “Current favorites are Sarah Landau, Ben Dalgleish, Sooner Routhier and Gabe Fraboni.”
WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT WHAT YOU DO? “I love that I have a job that requires both technical proficiency and organic creativity, while helping others emotionally connect to what’s happening on stage. If there’s a better fit for me out there, I haven’t found it yet.”
FANTASY CONCERT TO LIGHT: “It’s got to be Pink Floyd. ‘Come and watch the pretty lights…’”