HELOTES, TEXAS- MEGA-LITE presents the Spotbot™ LED CYM 300, a new versatile LED fixture that is an affordable, full-featured, all-purpose fixture.
More details from Mega Systems (www.megasystemsinc.com):
Equipped with a powerful 300W LED engine that can produce a bright and powerful even projection, the Spotbot’s™ impressive 7˚- 31˚ zoom range allows for the unit to be utilized in many versatile settings. When combined with the 8 facet rotating prism the gobos come alive. It has multiple glass gobos that provide high-level projected imagery and can generate complex looks. The 10 fixed and 7 rotating gobos allow you to morph between them using the focus and zoom. Unlike many entry level units, the Spotbot™ has a variety of colors available. The smooth CYM color mixing allows for multiple color combinations. It also offers a unique set of added colors that reside on the back end of the CYM color flags, one with three different CTO levels; 4926K, 4260K, and 3889K and the others offering an array of colors. With the ability to generate a multitude of color sequences the Spotbot™ also features a frost filter for a colorful and smooth soft-edged wash.
The Spotbot™ LED CYM 300 is the perfect multi-tool, full sized fixture to have in your lighting tool chest. This is a robust, multi-purpose lamp that can be used in large or small venues for concerts, clubs or theater while remaining at a highly economical price compared to others in its class. The Spotbot™ is the ideal LED, CYM, frost, zoom & spot fixture.
LED Type: Luminus 300W LED
Prism: 8-Facet overlaid prism rotating in both directions at different speeds
Iris: Adjustable Iris
Frost: Mechanical Frost Effect
Focus: Mechanical Focus
Gobo: Static 10+Open
Gobo 2: Rotating 7+Open bi-directional rotation
Color: Color Selection 1- Red, UV, Dark Blue. Color Selection 2- Lime Green, Orange, Green. Color Selection 3- 4926K, 4260K, 3889K
Zoom Ranges: 7°-31º Zoom Range
Dimmer: Electronic Smooth Dimming