BEIJING — The launch of the Mercedes B Class in China, organized by the agency Munich One, revolved around the idea of a digital reveal. After an initial project meeting, the design team led by Andree Verleger and Guido Gesell approached coolux to explore possible uses of multiple projectors onto a full-sized car for this corporate event.
The design team wanted to project animated images flashing on the car and on a curved back wall, with images mapped to the car’s surface and shape. Graphic designer Uwe Malorny created a virtual model of the car with a dedicated videomap.
The design team performed a two-day test in advance, and it only took one night to finish the job with live mapped stock footage programmed on site.
Along with Munich One, Verleger, Gesell and Malorny, TLD, AVP, and Pacific Projection all contributed to the digital reveal.
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